Walmart did not drive anyone anywhere.

What has happened is that in many small communities the merchants have been so used to doing what they please they were not ready to compete against Walmart.

I happen to live in one of those communities of what you speak. (14K, next closest town, 25 miles 50K, Montgomery is 90 miles north)

When I moved here, Walmart had just added their grocery store. We had Walmart, Winn-Dixie, Super Sav and Grocery Outlet. (The last two local stores.) Winn Dixie was gone within two years. Victim of their own problems. (Their prices were substantially higher.) There had been another grocery store in town but it lasted only a brief time. (Again a chain that ended up shrinking not expanding and then selling out)

The other two locally owned grocery stores are still going strong.

We still have two local dairy queens, and a smatering of other stores. We have one men's clothing store in town and he moans all the time about Walmart. Problem is I cannot afford to shop at his store, a pair of slacks cost $50 and up. (way out of my price range)

The starting wage at most places around here is minimum wage. When merchants price their merchandise outside the capacity of the consumer to buy it, they shut their doors. Am I happy with the grocery store at my local Walmart? NO! I will not buy meats there, and it does not sell some lines I prefer. So I go to the other grocery stores in town and buy my stuff.

But here is another factor in the mix. All I have to do is drive 20 miles to the south and I have even more choices for grocery shopping, and since I am down there at least once a week, plus the chain department stores are there, I can shop even more. That is what has killed local merchants. Too many choices and a lot of competition.

One of the biggest mistakes many local merchants made was to compete directly against Walmart. Stupid. Find a niche and fill it. Walmart does not do a lot of things well, or great, so beat them at their own game.

By the way I know all about competition. I am a very small fish in a very large market down here. I have to compete against every other church and we are not the flavor of the month. We could simple close our doors, change our style to be like everyone else, or do what we do best and stick around. (Guess which model we chose)


At 06:40 PM 11/26/2008, you wrote:
>Did you know that airlines regularly edit movies that get shown on airplanes?

Yes some people do object to such editing. I think this is an example of
something that is right on the edge of wrong or right. Airlines are not
in the business of selling movies to passengers (at least not yet). You
don't book a flight based on the movie. The movie is an incidental
diversion provided as an accommodation.

>You are free to shop wherever you want.

Actually you are not. In many communities WalMart is the only option.
WalMart drove everybody else out of business.

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Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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