> Since the addressability was tested using ping from the command line,
> casting blame on FireFox or "something else" is a bit of a stretch.

Right, Tom, the only thing is that, given the information that Tony
provided, the pingback doesn't prove anything one way or the other because
we don't know where the response came from--he didn't say. Maybe it was from
localhost and he just didn't notice it, which would indicate that Vista
-was- working right and that the problem -was- somewhere else. 

Maybe it did, maybe it didn't, but you don't really know, do you?

And even if it -did- ping the real yahoo server, that only exonerates
Firefox. Your bland assertion to the contrary notwithstanding, it absolutely
-could- be "something else", like AV software that's running all the time
and has its nasty tendrils stuck into every crevice of the OS. 

You are simply assuming that the problem is Vista's, but there is not
sufficient evidence. It might be, it might not be. I don't know, and neither
do you--but one thing we DO know that he couldn't find any similar reports.
If you had a different mindset, you just might consider that to be some
evidence that it's -not- a Vista issue.

> We all know that Windows is double plus good with no doubts allowed.

That is a very silly thing to say. No one here ever said anything remotely
like that. There are plenty of problems with Windows. It's just that you
have nothing to back up your assumption that this is one of them. You simply
imply that it is (the same kind of "implication" that the Church Lady uses
in "Could it be, oh, I don't know, ... SATAN?") and I guess that is supposed
to be that.

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