Beg to differ. Bandwidth speed are usually expressed as bits per second
(bps). Thus, the old dial-up modems I used started as 300 baud and went to
1200 baud then to 56K baud. In common usage, the baud rate of a *modem* is
how many *bits* it can send or receive per second. Technically, baud is the
number of times per second that the carrier signal shifts value - for
example a 1200 bit-per-second modem actually runs at 300 baud, but it moves
4 bits per baud (4 x 300= 1200 bits per second). Thus, communications speeds
are conventionally expressed as Kilo or Mega bits per second not Bytes.
The OP said,
">I don't really understand how to interpret the speed I get on the
>speed test sites.  This is what I got tonight on Speakeasy
>> Download Speed: 16523 kbps (2065.4 KB/sec transfer rate)
>> Upload Speed: 3077 kbps (384.6 KB/sec transfer rate)
So, you are correct in saying that she has 2000KB service but, by
convention, it is usually stated that she has 16Mb (or 16000Kb) service.



Bob Hope  - "I grew up with six brothers. That's how I learned to dance -
waiting for the bathroom."

> >I don't really understand how to interpret the speed I get on the
> >speed test sites.  This is what I got tonight on Speakeasy
> >> Download Speed: 16523 kbps (2065.4 KB/sec transfer rate)
> >> Upload Speed: 3077 kbps (384.6 KB/sec transfer rate)
> First let's be careful about "b" vs. "B". Little "b" is bits and big "B"
> is bytes. That is why the above "b" vs "B" rates differ by 8x. I don't
> think all of the replies have used the same "b" or at least I was
> confused about what was being stated. For broadband it is probably
> simpler to state everything as KB.
> So you have 2000 KB down and 384 KB up. Which for a single user is
> probably okay, but not great. Adequacy depends on what you want to do
> with your computer and how patient you are personally. If you are using
> it for Netflix or BitTorrent you may want a faster connection.

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