> If you don't pay any federal income tax, you shouldn't
> expect any form of a rebate in return. If the goal is 
> to just hand out checks to citizens, then that's just 
> a handout.

Jeff, that's true, and that is the plan--as long as you drop the word
"income" from the sentence. It should read "If you don't pay any federal
tax....", not "If you don't pay any federal income tax...."

Income tax is only one of the federal taxes. There is also Social Security
and Medicare. As I've said, there's no plan to rebate anyone more than they
paid in federal taxes.

(And that is not to mention the federal excise taxes like the one on gas. I
doubt that there is a working family in the US--and they are the targets of
the rebates--that didn't pay more than the planned rebate amounts in one
federal tax or another.)

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