Obviously Mathew, you are a neocon.  Just like Barney Frank had nothing to
do with the fall of fannie/freddie...even though you can read NYT stories
about it...all a neocon plot.

On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 3:21 PM, Matthew S. Taylor

> Tom,
> Did you ever notice that most of the big urban areas, with the big breaking
> water mains and such (and troubling schools, and pot hole filled roads) are
> not run by your pet bogeymen, the cons/neocons, but mostly by liberals /
> political machine Democrats?  Could it be that pandering to unions and
> appeasing every interest group in site has not worked?
> Matthew
> On Feb 3, 2009, at 4:51 PM, Tom Piwowar wrote:
>  Not if the laws of the jurisdiction mandate such up front.   I also
>>> never said there should not be adequate planning - I assume it is the
>>> duty of the government to plan for such eventualities.  Are you
>>> telling me you are not?
>> I think the cons/neocons describe this as passing debts on to future
>> generations. Past generations built the infrastructure. Then the
>> cons/neocons got control and screamed "no taxes -- I want to be free"
>> (probably because they were hippies in their youth). Then the bridges
>> started to fall down, the water mains broke, and the power grid failed.
>> Now guess who has to pay the debt: it is us.
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