I don't know where you live, but here on the West Coast that's just wrong. Many of those so called liberals do run some of the larger cities. But as the neocons enjoy saying, most of the land in this country is controlled by smaller cities and towns usually run by mostly neocons. Here is Washington state it's been a long call for the splitting of the state, mostly by the cons/neocons who feel their voice isn't being heard. The Seattle/Tacoma area does maintain the majority of the people of my state. And that majority does control most policy here. But city by city and town by town this is far from the truth. The problems many of us face here are a direct result of con/neocon local policy. It totally amazes me here that many of our local people will complain and moan about being ripped off by the more affluent in our area, and then turn around and vote them in after hearing a few of the neocon scare tactics. What a bunch of morons. They get what they deserve.

Jeff M

On Feb 3, 2009, at 2:21 PM, Matthew S. Taylor wrote:


Did you ever notice that most of the big urban areas, with the big breaking water mains and such (and troubling schools, and pot hole filled roads) are not run by your pet bogeymen, the cons/neocons, but mostly by liberals / political machine Democrats? Could it be that pandering to unions and appeasing every interest group in site has not worked?


On Feb 3, 2009, at 4:51 PM, Tom Piwowar wrote:

Not if the laws of the jurisdiction mandate such up front.   I also
never said there should not be adequate planning - I assume it is the
duty of the government to plan for such eventualities.  Are you
telling me you are not?

I think the cons/neocons describe this as passing debts on to future
generations. Past generations built the infrastructure. Then the
cons/neocons got control and screamed "no taxes -- I want to be free"
(probably because they were hippies in their youth). Then the bridges
started to fall down, the water mains broke, and the power grid failed.
Now guess who has to pay the debt: it is us.

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