On Feb 4, 2009, at 11:40 AM, Rev. Stewart Marshall wrote:

At 10:18 AM 2/4/2009, you wrote:
Agreed - with the caveat that part of the distribution problem is that
in some areas the locals can not price compete with subsidized
imported food, and so leave the farms and head for the cities.

Yes and no. Very often the government discourages the indigenousness folks from producing by cutting off needed resources.

Or in the case of Zimbabwe evicting the ones who know how to farm and replacing them with government cronies.

Remember Sam Kinison?  "Get in the trucks - you live in a freaking
desert - we are taking you to where the food is"  I laughed so hard I

The sorriest part of this was the people had no trucks or the governments confiscated their transportation or limited it by Military and other means. (Sam is not one of my favorites he shouted way too much.)

Agreed - that one routine was funny though.

Good for them.  I used to give to some church groups.  I stopped when
it became clear that the child / family I was supposedly helping never
saw a dime of the aid I gave.  I trust yours is better run.

Check it out called Lutheran World Relief. It gets one of the higher marks for actually getting stuff done. No flashy ads, no flashy personas, just the work.

I am sorry to see you are in Gaza enabling Hamas. Money is fungible and I can not support Hamas.


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