If it's the " Effects " that you want to access you do need to ' select ' that portion of the audio that you want to apply the effects to by dragging thru it or using key combination ' command A ' to select all. Some functions will be greyed out if they are not applicable , ie no stereo to mono with a mono track. If there are other things that aren't working you'll have to be more specific. Also bear in mind that while Audacity is a marvelous application for the price it's also a get what you pay for proposition. You may want to edit your audio into it's smallest parts first and work on each file separately to save the frustration of the inevitable crash.

At 9:40 PM -0800 2/4/09, chad evans wyatt wrote:
chad evans wyatt <cewyattph...@yahoo.com>
Subject: Audio transfer

At the risk of incurring wrath by discussing something digital on this forum, I have a question: I've used Audacity to transfer tape recording to digital, and the results are quite good. However, in Mac I don't seem to have full access to the program's controls. No complaints whatsoever about the .aiff files, they hold all the signal on the tapes, but I would like to have some more opportunity to shape the eventual files. Any thoughts?

E. Riley Casey
Silver Spring MD
301-608-2180 ph
301-608-0789 fx
301-440-2923 shoe phone
Entertainment Sound Production ( http://www.ESPsound.com )

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