At the risk of incurring wrath by discussing something digital on
this forum, I have a question:  I've used Audacity to transfer tape
recording to digital, and the results are quite good.  However, in
Mac I don't seem to have full access to the program's controls.  No
complaints whatsoever about the .aiff files, they hold all the signal
on the tapes, but I would like to have some more opportunity to shape
the eventual files.  Any thoughts?

You can do full editing and export with Audacity, but the program is complicated. The preferences are almost too thorough. I've done audio and video editing for years, but Audacity really threw me for a loop when I realized how many hidden features it has. I have to read through the manual and help files to find the exact features I want. The preferences for Keyboard and Mouse list hidden commands. Start with Help-->Show Welcome Message. Have you installed the LAME library for MP3 conversion?

Other programs you may consider are Sound Studio [full featured, user-friendly],,and GarageBand, I know several people who use Audacity for creating and editing sound tracks for TV shows and advertising, so I'm sure it can do what I need, but am not sure I have the patience to learn all its features. BTW, one friend uses a $40 4-channel mic mixer from Radio Shack,, for her commercials.

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