It is sad that the moderate position which would have included justice issues etc. did not prevail.

Religion serves best when it is a leavening/change agent among the people and not part of the ruling power, nor the opposition power.

A theologian once stated that we Christians should be in the world but not of the world. (paraphrasing Scripture)


At 11:04 AM 2/9/2009, you wrote:
Stewart -

Thanks for the clarification.

Although predominently Catholic, the Latin American countries have moderate representation by a cross section of religious groups, including Christian protestants, Jews, Muslims, Santería, Macumba, Hindi, Buddhist, Baha'i, etc. The liberation theology is primarily Christian, however conservative [not mainline] Catholics and evangelicals are often in opposition, supporting the conservative governments/opposition [incl. some wealthy landowners and foreign corporations] working against the general [and indigenous] population, as seen most recently in Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador.


Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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