Every source I can recall him mentioning has been a left wing ax grinder. I did not say he reads nothing else, I said IF.

I have not seen MM's take on Obama's support of infaticide, but it is real. I have read the original bill. I have read the final bill after it was modified to meet Obama's and other's objections. At the end of the day it was legal in Illinois for living infants to be allowed to die with no medical or pallitive assistance and that was a position Obama preferred as a matter of law. In what way is that not support for at least passive Infanticide? It matters not at all to the question of O's views that some R's also supported it.


On Feb 12, 2009, at 7:32 AM, Chris Dunford wrote:

If you are so limiting your news source I can understand how you come by
your viewpoints.

If you read on the left blogosphere, Media Matters, TPM Muckraker, and
Huffington Post you'll typically see links to legitimate researched

Didn't notice him saying that he "limited" his sources to these, did you?

The conservatives love to refer to Media Matters as a "left wing smear
site". The problem with this is, MM documents *everything* it says with links to external materials, often to original sources. It's pretty hard to call something "a smear" when it uses original documents to prove that what you said was wrong. Well, I guess it's not *that* hard, since O'Reilly and
others do it constantly.  Repetition-makes-truth in action.

The conservative commentators keep talking about how the rescue bill
includes $4.something billion for ACORN; MM documents the falsity of this using links to the bill itself. Bernie Goldberg butchers the Brokaw/ Rose interview; MM provides links to the actual interview so you can see what Brokaw really said. Limbaugh keeps saying that Obama favors infanticide
(seriously); MM provides links to the original Illinois bill, Obama's
comments, and the recorded vote showing that many Republicans took the same
position. It goes on and on and on.

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