Ding! You win the prize for the obvious - the bills threatened the availability of abortion without consequences and had to be opposed - even if this meant tolerating infanticide. The final bill that Obama voted against contained the same language as in a Federal law he said he preferred. Then he voted against in anyway.

And no, I did not read about this in any smear site. All of this is in the public record - you just object to the logical conclusion.

On Feb 12, 2009, at 10:14 AM, Jordan wrote:

Matthew Taylor wrote:

I have not seen MM's take on Obama's support of infaticide, but it is real. I have read the original bill. I have read the final bill after it was modified to meet Obama's and other's objections. At the end of the day it was legal in Illinois for living infants to be allowed to die with no medical or pallitive assistance and that was a position Obama preferred as a matter of law. In what way is that not support for at least passive Infanticide? It matters not at all to the question of O's views that some R's also supported it.
Obama and other opponents said the bills posed a threat to abortion rights and were unnecessary because, they said, Illinois law already prohibited the conduct that these bills purported to address.
Read something other than right wing smear sites.

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