Thanks everyone for the great replies. Tom's reply about the over-the-air part of the transmission is what is still confusing me. How can the over-the-air part of the communication be protected using only SSL login on email without a VPN or other encruption?

From:   Tom Piwowar <>
Date:  Tuesday, February 24, 2009 08:38 am
Subject: Re: [CGUYS] wireless - no WEP or WPA / no VPN / SSL
I am trying to advise my Dad about using his laptop while traveling, but I
am still confused about using a wireless connection in situation where no
encryption is available.

You need to decide if it is worth the trouble, but if yes there are
services that will provide a VPN connection. This will put the
over-the-air part of the communication in an encrypted VPN tunnel between
his laptop and the VPN provider. These are available for a small monthly
fee. Disclaimer: I have no first-hand experience with them. Just read about it.

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