Depends on what they use to ignite the gas and to control it. In the old days it was lit with a match... more recently, like your electrically ignited gas stoves, it is often electricity... but unlike gas stove, heaters have thermocouples which may require electricity ... and sometimes a thermostat can powered by electricity also...

Probably not so much with small portable devices but certainly can be an issue with bigger systems.


Tony B wrote:
Heh. That *is* an odd phraseology - sounds like a medical device. :)

Gas heaters generally take either propane or natural gas, and require
no electricity to heat. Some units have a fan, but it's not really

On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 4:54 PM, Tom Piwowar <> wrote:
passive gas heaters
Tell us more. I Googled the term and got just 1 hit (in French).

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