You can't, the article doesn't have anything about MS paying to or
suppressing news.

HTC said:  When asked about Android, a report by mocoNews in the *Washington
Post* said that company president Peter Chou told reporters, “Google Android
is part of our product portfolio” and that new phones “were coming out in
the future.”

If MS is suppressing and paying off news sources they better do a better
job.  Try reading real websites instead of sticking to the jeff rense/alex
jones model of mac reporting.  Or don't and continue to marginalize yourself
with these strange MFB links.

On Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 5:48 PM, Tom Piwowar <> wrote:

> >I guess I missed it in the 'article', but where does it say MS is
> >suppressing news or spending money doing so?
> You need to follow the link and read the article. Do I really have to
> explain everything to you?
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