95% + of the newer flat screen TV's have a computer VGA input.

Ours in the Living room has one and I occasionally (rarely) hook up my laptop tp try out a presentation etc.

All you need to do is hookup a VGA male to male, plus an extension to it, and have it ready for use.

Than when you need to do it, you hook it up, click your TV menu to PC and watch what you have on Laptop.

Works for me.


At 03:08 PM 3/16/2009, you wrote:
This most closely sounds like my day. But all three of these are done
in Firefox via tabs. Even if FF had tear-off tabs, how long would it
take to win-tab to another window? 2-3 seconds tops. How does that add
up to being a "time saver"? Did you have something to do that extra 15
seconds a day?

An entertainment monitor in the computer room is a good idea. But a
slightly different subject I think.

It would be much easier to compare drawing side by side on a 40"
monitor than two 19" monitors, but I can imagine that would be very
expensive. However, that doesn't mean you _prefer_ two monitors, only
that you can't _afford_ a larger single monitor.

On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 1:27 PM, Jeff Wright <jswri...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'm not even sure why I keep this second monitor on my desktop, as I
>> haven't turned it on for weeks. I can't remember what I was doing that
>> day to prompt me to turn it on.
> I have 2 19" LCDs at work.  I use one for email and sometimes
> browsing, the other for remoting into servers and whatever else pops
> up during the day.  Definitely a time saver for me, not having to
> constantly switch windows.

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Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace www.princeofpeaceozark.org
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