Yes Stewart... I understand... but where is Bookmark.html located? And... how 
you copy the Favorites from IE...where do you find it in IE?

Mind you all, I am not snxious (just a little bit) and  I enjoy these kinds of 
things. I like computers and enjoy fooling around with them. The new one 
arrives on Friday. I also will have a hard time moving the Eudora data to the 
new one...

Will have an interesting week-end...with your help, all of you!


-----Original Message-----
>From: "Rev. Stewart Marshall" <>
>Sent: Mar 18, 2009 1:14 PM
>Subject: Re: [CGUYS] Silly but important question...
>I am not sure why we make this stuff all so hard.
>For Friefox etc.  I find the Bookmark.html file and copy it to a memory stick.
>I then copy it to the new computer and stick it where it is supposed to go.
>When I start the program it finds the file and it has my bookmarks.
>For IE I go to the favorites directory and copy it to a memory stick 
>and again copy them to the new system in the favorites location there 
>and when Is tart up IE it finds all my books marks.
>Works for me!
>At 11:57 AM 3/18/2009, you wrote:
>> >You've apparently succeeded in scaring Marcio who is now still
>> >convinced he's got to find and transfer files on his computer.
>>You really want to see the poor man posting about how he lost all his
>>bookmarks? Has WFBism sunk to a new misanthropic low? Why don't you just
>>stick to pushing Vista? Isn't that cruel enough?!
>Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
>Prince of Peace
>Ozark, AL  SL 82
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