Quoting David Turk <dt...@indianahistory.org>:

I log in to iTunes from my 2 Macs & my PC at work. Why does the "Purchased" window only show what music I've purchased with each individual computer? It's the same account, so shouldn't purchases made on my Mac show up on the PC? As I understand, I can authorize up to 5 machines to play the music. Several of us share out libraries at work, & I'd like to be able to put my purchases in my PC library too. tia.

AFAIK, "Purchased" is just another play list, and iTunes doesn't keep the list on ITMS. You can drag anything into it that you want.

You're also going to have to import the song into iTunes on the computers that you *didn't* buy it on. Just copy it/them onto a memory stick and import from there. Then drag it/them into "Purchased".

BTW, even though you can authorize 5 computers, with the new iTunes Plus, you can play them on any number of computer. They're DRM free.

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