At 1:45 PM -0600 3/28/09, Fred Jones wrote:

I just bought a 13 inch Macbook (the 2.4GHz model). The Macbook came with 2GB of DDR3 Memory. I need to run a few Windows programs so I guess I will need VMWare Fusion or Parallels. Could you guys please let me know if one of those programs would be best and if I will need to buy some more RAM. I thought the sales associate told me that the Macbook is expandable to 4GB Memory. I checked the reviews on Amazon and Fusion had better reviews, but the Mac Genius at the Mac store liked Parallels best.

I like VirtualBox from Sun. It works really well, and it's FREE!


Buy your additional RAM at OtherWorld Computing <>

4GB RAM for your MacBook: $47.95

Lovettsville, VA

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