And that is my Point!  MS is only advertizing themselves as the
alternative for people on a tight budget.  Let's crow to the heavens and
rejoice!  Thou tomb stone shall read: None were cheaper than him!

Not sure why everybody keeps bringing up irrelevant examples about cars
when the talk about computers; is that a microsoft thing?

Thank you,

Mark Snyder
-----Original Message-----
> So, assuming this ad is successful, the only reason to buy a Windows 
> computer is because you're on budget.

I don't know whether you're being deliberately obtuse or not. This is
logically indefensible. 

Suppose my car won't start, and then I find that my neighbor's car won't
start either, because his battery is dead. Does that mean that my
battery also must be dead, and that the fact that I have no gas is not
Well, guess what? It turns out that there's more than one possible
reason why a car won't start, and there's more than one possible reason
to buy a Windows machine. 

The ad neither implies nor demonstrates that this is the *only* reason;
it demonstrates (proves, really) *one* reason.

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