> Not exactly the whole truth. Why am I not surprised?
> http://xbox.joystiq.com/2009/01/02/nielsen-360-the-second-most-played-
> console-of-08/
> XBox beat out by PS2. And by a big margin too...
>   Playstation 2 - 31.2%
>   Xbox 360 - 17.2%
>   Wii - 13.4%
>   Xbox - 9.7%
>   Playstation 3 - 7.3%
>   Gamecube - 4.6%
>   Other - 16.2%

I imagine that Mike omitted this because, as the original report notes and
you omitted, PS2 is dying and will no longer be the top console by the end
of this year. In other words, it will be irrelevant soon enough.

Further, it's not clear where the numbers you quote came from. They aren't
in the article you linked to. The FastCompany article that -it- links to,
however, does have numbers: 23.7% (PS2) vs. 18.2% (Xbox). That's for
January, and Xbox's time increased in February (PS2 not shown). Not exactly
a "wide margin" to my eye.

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