I wrote:
When I mouse over icons on the Windows XP taskbar, balloons pop up that 
provide words to explain that the icon is. For example, when I mouse over the 
Internet Explorer icon, a balloon pops up that states, "Internet Explorer". 
How do I get rid of these balloons?

Tony B <ton...@gmail.com> replied:
A quick Google search gave this: http://malektips.com/windows_xp_0009.html

Chris Dunford replied:
>> A quick Google search gave this: 
>I think this is talking about the ones I mentioned in my reply, the 
notification balloons in the system tray.>

That's right, Chris. I did Google searches and found many hits on getting 
rid of notification balloons, and I tried it. Not what I want.

Still looking,


Michael S. Altus, PhD, ELS
Intensive Care Communications, Inc.(R)
Biomedical Writing and Editing

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