MS developed a version for windows only that was tied closely with their own
java based applets, this went against Sun when developing java.  After the
settlement MS agreed to discontinue java under their umbrella.  I'm not sure
if you can have both Sun and MS versions of java installed, but either way,
MS's implementation of java would not run what was standard java.

The accusation is basically creating a standard, then forcing that standard
on everyone else indirectly since most people are using windows.  To be
fair, most reports say IE 8 is the most standardized version of IE out

On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 10:40 AM, Tony B <> wrote:

> Huh? MS didn't develop Java, did they? I thought that was Sun. The OP
> said *MS* had a history of creating apps and then not sharing them
> with everyone for free.
> On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 12:47 PM, Tom Piwowar <> wrote:
> >>Can you name a single example of that? Probably not...
> >
> > Java. Even the courts agreed. MS paid $750,000,000 I think.
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