On Mon, 27 Apr 2009, Tony B wrote:
Huh? MS didn't develop Java, did they? I thought that was Sun. The OP
said *MS* had a history of creating apps and then not sharing them
with everyone for free.

Yes, Sun created Java, and created the spec for how Java had to behave.
Microsoft created the first version of Java for Windows. But their version
(sometimes called J++) had lots of extensions specific to their version.
If you took advantage of those extensions, your Java program was no longer standard, and would only run on Windows. There may have been other more
subtle changes, but I'm not sure of the specifics there.

On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 12:47 PM, Tom Piwowar <t...@tjpa.com> wrote:
Can you name a single example of that? Probably not...

Java. Even the courts agreed. MS paid $750,000,000 I think.

Vicky Staubly       http://www.steeds.com/vicky/        vi...@steeds.com

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