>Maybe you shouldn't have waited to download SP3 until the day after Windows
>7 RC, which is a 2.6 GB d/l, is released to great demand.  

There always seems to be some excuse. "Everybody knows not to do this on 
Tuesdays" or Wednesdays, or whatever. The bottom line is that I needed to 
do something fairly ordinary and it didn't work and the reason it didn't 
work was at their end.

>SP3 has been out for over 6 months.  Chalk it up to poor network management 
>on your part.

I don't know of any responsible manager who applies SPs before they have 
been out for many months. We let guys like you do M$' beta testing.

>You should try Windows Server Update Service (WSUS).

That looked like a great idea. Thanks for pointing it out.

But then I started reading M$ tech notes on it. "Download this, then 
download that, then configure this and configure that, then download some 
more and configure some more. Then if 'A' then don't do 'B'." On and on. 
Looks to me like it would be an even worse experience than the original 
problem it is supposed to solve. And no guarantees that it would even 
work or continue to work without lots of maintenance. I guess you see 
that as normal, but I see it as just another M$ mess.

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