What patching system is that?

> Do you really run around the office, stopping at each PC to run
> "Start>>Settings>>Control Panel>>Automatic Updates"? No wonder you are so
> grumpy.

> No, I use a not-free patching system that scans each system and lists
> what patches are missing on them.  I can then push out patches,
> including service packs, at my convenience.  Download once, distribute
> to many.  Saves me gobs of time and handles several 3rd party apps
> too, like Flash, Firefox and Quicktime.

> Since you only have a dozen Windows PCs or so, and can handle
> installing CS on them (not an insignificant nor quick process), I
> figured you could handle this.  I could be wrong.

> See what I get for being nice to you?  Feh!

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