Tom the problem is you make blanket statements that can either way.

"free Market" can be both good and bad.  It can serve the purposes of both.

Jesus never advocated one method or the other.

If you want to get in depth on the Money Changers we can but it is not so clear cut. You need to know your history before you make false assumptions.

Jesus neither advocated socialism nor free market economy.

What he did advocate was that everyone is to be treated fairly (not equally) and justly. If it is not accomplishing that than it needs to be changed. (Think Family Systems)

The early church attempted socialism and it was an abject failure. Because of mans inclination to self service and selfishness it did not work.

So remember when you point one finger at someone else you are pointing three back at you!.


At 01:42 PM 5/13/2009, you wrote:
>I do remember him saying render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's
>and unto God that which is God's. .

I hope you got further than that in your study of Scripture.

I think "free market" falls more within the sphere of the money changers
than either Caesar or God. I don't recall Jesus having much good to say
about money changers. I would strongly disagree with those who equate
"free market" with God.

Do you really propose that Jesus would side with the money changers?

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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