At 08:22 PM 5/13/2009, you wrote:
Was Jesus a moral relativist too? I didn't know that.

He was a moral absolutist. However much we try and move his message into the secular realm he first and foremost was always speaking of the spiritual realm. We live in a corrupt society (in more ways than one) and we will never see perfection here.

Good for the rich and bad for the rest of us, but the rich can afford to
Who said anything about Socialism? Not letting the rich rip off the rest
of the population is not Socialism.

So do you have a better way? Let us all know. By the way the opposite of Free Market is Socialism (on the scale) Are we talking about degrees here?

By the way Jesus did tell a few parables that could be used to justify a free market economy, but again that is not why he told them.

The type of government we have is never proscribed in scriptures. It is what we choose. It is what we make it..

You want me to sell indulgences? I can do so, but they are worth nothing more than the paper they are written on. (Ask Martin Luther)

Who said I want the rich to rip off any one? What did I say (you left out a couple of things I said.) Jesus did advocate fairness and justice. Those need to be exercised by all.

The corrupt rich are very big on telling the abused to turn the other cheek.

Don't include me in that list.

In my family all three boys got college degrees. I went on to get a masters, yet I have half the income both of my brothers have. So I think I am part of the great unwashed poor.


Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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