>When I first joined this group, it was more about keeping computers running 
>and less about politics (except for the occasional Mac vs. PC tussle).   I 
>still love to hear the innovative solutions to common problems, some of 
>which I had not tried yet.   Keep the good questions coming!

Interesting podcast here:

"Politics" is not just something that has erupted at CGuys. In Silicon 
Valley...Facebook executive Chris Kelly, eBay C.E.O. Meg Whitman, eBay 
executive Steve Westly, tech startup C.E.O. Steve Poizner, and
Hewlett Packard C.E.O. Carly Fiorina, have either announced their 
candidacies for statewide office in California, or expressed interest.

As we realize that many of our common computer problems are caused by 
others telling us what to do, "politics" becomes a more important topic.

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