Whether or not that last statement below was written possibly with tongue in cheek, I'm glad to see Betty's missives appear on this list. Myself, I wish there was less of the unnecessary ad hominem/ad feminam stuff (yes, I know Wikipedia says it's a mistaken neologism!) that IMHO there is too much of. Thanks for listening, and have a good evening.


Reid Katan wrote:
Quoting "t.piwowar" <t...@tjpa.com>:

On May 25, 2009, at 8:04 AM, Reid Katan wrote:
The *netbook* is a niche product

Accordingly, some posters have theorized that there are some netbooks
out there that are not crap. They also quoted prices for such
non-crappy netbooks that were close to the price of the MBA.

Yeah. That was Betty. An Apple-head.

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