On Jun 1, 2009, at 6:51 PM, Jeff Wright wrote:
This is why such people should be avoided when at all possible. They tend
to overcomplicate simple problems.
"A" has a video. He wants to send it to "B" over the Internet. He was
provided the correct answer on how to send a large file: use a
free/inexpensive online FTP service.

We call this trying to shove 10 pounds of shit into a five-pound bag.

I encounter such problems with media files all the time. In almost every case the creator of the file has made some choice that makes the file balloon in size. Because they are not experts in creating media files they do not know the implications of the choices they are making. They do not know the trade offs they can make to keep the file size down. Failing to fix the real problem leaves them struggling with huge files that could have easily been made manageable.

Of course this requires some thought and some finesse, an anathema to some.

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