On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 11:56 AM, t.piwowar <t...@tjpa.com> wrote:

> On Jun 17, 2009, at 8:34 AM, Richard P. wrote:
>> Here's a local article from The Washington Post about the DC area losing 2
>> stations:
> Good story, but it did not help. I get 7 but not 9. If this were true and I
> had an antenna problem I would get neither station.

You also live close to the city.  Did you put up a new antenna or just reuse
an old one?  I was doing very well with an old wire bow tie antenna from the
junk box when they were on temporary UHF channels.  I wonder how many
stations are lobbying to get their temporary UHF frequencies back.   I just
pulled out an old low profile antenna that doesn't get enough signal for 7
or 9 unless I am in an absurd pose.

I'm  just outside the beltway.  According to antennaweb.org I'm only 10.7
miles away from the transmitter towers which must be close together with 26,
7 and 9 at the same vector and distance.  My converter box senses a signal
for both 7 & 9 but doesn't get enough to make a picture.  For some reason 26
doesn't consistently make it outside the beltway to Fairfax County either
but it didn't before the switch over either.

Here are the helpful webpages from 7 and 9 on antenna choices.


I guess I need to wire up an outside antenna to see if that helps.

John Duncan Yoyo

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