Some folks object to electronic payments systems because they believe the
merchants are passing on the fees the banks and credit card companies charge
in the form of higher prices. Maybe so, but the merchants who deal in cash
also have costs relating to the safeguarding, counting, and depositing. In
addition, there is the threat of robbery in conveying that cash to the bank.
Larger merchants might use a armored car service to handle that cash.

Do people really believe that the expense of handling cash isn't passed
along in some form to the customers anyway?


It's true that the credit card companies and the banks provide
> services to merchants and their customers, but for a price: interest
> and other fees for the customers, and fees for the merchants.
> But, in the form of higher prices [which merchants must charge to
> cover the cost of credit card fees], you're paying the credit card
> companies even if you NEVER use a credit card.  [The merchants really
> have no other alternative; the banks and credit card companies are
> the only ones with any power in this situation.]
> I guess I'm surprised that Libertarians and their friends don't
> object to this; they're paying for something they're not getting, and
> they have no choice in the matter.

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