At 04:49 PM 7/28/2009 -0500, you wrote:
Sue in a vast majority of cases they do pay taxes.

I do not know of any employer here in America (legitimate) who does not withhold taxes out of paychecks, unless they consider the worker a contractor.

Many (A good number) of south of the border people work in the food industry (Mainly animal processing) and to get hired they must show ID/SS cards etc. Even though these numbers may be bad (stolen, made up etc.) and have passed government scrutiny (Tysons runs them all before employment) they then withhold taxes under those numbers.

It is only those illegals who are working for cash under the table that do not pay taxes. I think if you checked a statistical (non biased) examination of that argument it would proof moot, as for the number that pay into the system do not collect any benefits out of the system.

My knowledge of this comes from working with them for a time and observing their process.


My point exactly. If they are not citizens, they should not pay taxes. Nor should they claim the benefits of citizenship. Let them work here, but pay their own way. How much more fair can you get?

In many countries, you cannot own property without being a citizen. I see no problem with that either.


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