To fix the health care system, you need to do three simple things:
(1) Repeal the 1973 legislation legalizing hmos.  This will get the
thieves out of the way so we can have health care, not some kind of
profit center!!

(2) get back to the Hill Burton legislation, first passed in 1946
which mandates construction of enough hospitals in each county, so
there are a certain number of beds (around 4.5) per 100000 population,
if memory serves.  Not much use in having "coverage" if there is no
place to go.

(3) A single payer system which has much lower administrative costs.

This scheme will only work properly if we take back all the bailout
money which has been stolen and restart the physical economy.

Obama's health "reform" is an exact copy of Hitler's t-4 program where
he stated  that lives not worth of life should be given a mercy death.

There is a very nice  pamphlet which explains this more fully at so download

No Nazi health care program in America!!

on Tuesday 07/28/2009 TPiwowar( wrote
 > On Jul 26, 2009, at 11:34 PM, Fred Holmes wrote:
 > > Absolutely wrong.  There must always be choices.  The customer must  
 > > always have somewhere else to go when the service he is currently  
 > > receiving is unsatisfactory.  Single payer is tyranny.
 > Single-payer systems typically include the opportunity for paying for  
 > care privately. Single-payer does not mean single provider. Why do  
 > the cons/neocons keep dragging in irrelevant boogeymen? It does not  
 > help the discussion.
 > When I broke my eyeglasses in London, even though I was an American,  
 > I was offered "National Health" glasses or I could get a swanky pair.  
 > I had the means to get a swanky pair so I did. I was also grateful to  
 > have the choice of a pair for almost nothing should I have been in  
 > poorer financial circumstances.
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Your life is like a penny.  You're going to lose it.  The question is:
How do
you spend it?

         John Covici

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