
It's your job to provide IT/network support. Those of us with small businesses can't afford IT staff or outside services. The computers are tools that we use in our businesses and must work seamlessly with as little tech support as possible. That's why we use Macs, even when we're forced to use Windows.

That's the REAL world of small business.

Even when I worked for a Swiss multinational corporation, many of their European employees, scientists and managers brought their own Macs to the US, while the locals were stuck with Windows by an IT department full of MS "engineers".

That's also the REAL world of Euro management who'd rather get the work done, instead of fiddling with IT.


> I don't see any of that. My staff changes their own toner and the
> other stuff does not happen.

Of course you don't.  We work in completely different environments with
completely different types of staffs.  Mine's in the real world, BTW.

> So you have proved my point.

And you so often prove mine, Herr Doctor.  Keep 'em coming.

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