> It's your job to provide IT/network support.

Yeah?  So what?

Tom's point was that he would have to hire additional staff to handle PCs.  
Your experience notwithstanding, my experience proves him decidedly wrong.

> It's your job to provide IT/network support. Those of us with small
> businesses can't afford IT staff or outside services. The computers are
> tools that we use in our businesses and must work seamlessly with as
> little tech support as possible. That's why we use Macs, even when we're
> forced to use Windows.
> That's the REAL world of small business.

We ARE a small business.  We also have the needs of a larger enterprise.

And we do it with 2 guys.  In 3 locations.  Me and a DBA.  We run the entire 
thing on Dell hardware, Windows, Office and MS server products.  With 99.99% 
uptime and near-zero hardware issues.  

Dell hardware, which will run practically forever, costs me a fraction of what 
comparable Apple hardware would cost us, with a warranty that gets me a tech 
with a part on-site for any rare hardware problem, not a schlep to the genius 
at the mall (in Delaware, right?).  We get charity pricing from MS, which costs 
us about 10% of retail, often less.

Is that REAL enough for you?

> Even when I worked for a Swiss multinational corporation, many of their
> European employees, scientists and managers brought their own Macs to
> the US, while the locals were stuck with Windows by an IT department
> full of MS "engineers".

I would bet that if you gave 10 people the exact same recipe for a cake, you 
would 10 different cakes of varying taste, texture and appearance.  Some would 
likely be inedible.  Not everyone is cut out to be a baker or a pastry chef.

The same goes for IT.  GIGO rules.

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