> With 65,000 apps available for the iPhone and less than a dozen for
> the competitors it is going to be very hard to catch up. The
> competitors are still making some of the mistakes Apple made in its
> early days and they will need to fix those first. Right now Apple
> appears to be its own worst enemy with a nutty approval process at its
> App Store. If they don't fix that soon there will be developer leakage
> to the other platforms. I bet Apple will fix it soon.

Recent history is littered with those who were there "first" in their
particular field.

Palm, Sony, IBM, Apple, Xerox, etc.  Being first isn't first is no guarantee
of being the last man standing.  All of these companies were innovative, all
had a dominant lock on their market and all were soon surpassed by
competitors with better products.  In fact, if recent history is our guide,
being first with a successful, standard setting product is a high order of
probability that you will be the first to drop as the market matures.

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