> Except this isn't true. You constantly talk derisively about the
> people you are supposed to support and save the greater portion on
> your spleen for those who are best able to do their work with Macs.
> That is what makes it an issue.

Let's get one thing clear right now.  I don't "constantly" talk derisively
about the people I work with.  In the decade + I've been on this list, I've
mentioned people I work with fewer times as you have fingers on your hands.
Even then, it was accurate depiction of the situation, events and
personalities of the people involved.  

OTOH, you spend an inordinate amount of your time and energy here sputtering
pejoratives, logical fallacies and projecting your own shortcomings onto
anyone who has the temerity to disagree with you.  Add to that, you are the
ultimate partisan, throwing stink bombs into the crowd as often as you can,
just to see how much crap you can stir up.  It may make for good
E*N*T*E*R*T*A*I*N*M*E*N*T on the list, but it has distinct limits of

I can take it as well as I give it and I haven't always behaved as well as I
should, but act like an arrogant and smug shithead, and that's all you'll
get in return, chief.  Act like a normal and civil human being and I'll
return it in kind.  

Give it a try, why don't you?

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