The MFB set seems to completely ignore this would have never made any news
or into the FCC's radar pattern if Apple had actually not rejected the app.
There is no story, no reason to inquire.

On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 3:58 PM, Jeff Wright <> wrote:

> > I have at least as much experience with Apple products as your so-called
> > tech site. There are NO real inside connections with Apple, except where
> > Apple allows. As soon as there are leaks, the leaker[s] is/are fired.
> > Industrial espionage is serious business. I still have a cousin who
> > works for Apple as an engineer. They're as secretive about their
> > projects as the NSA.
> No, but they do have connections inside Google and with iPhone developers.
>  They solidly rebut Apple's version and Michael Arrington, TechCrunch's
> founder and the story's author, is as fawning over Apple as any first-order
> MFB.
> Yes, this is "he said, she said."  I don't pretend it to be anything else,
> but I also don't pretend that Apple's version is the handed-down-from-God
> gospel.
> I just want to know whom will sell who down the river first, Apple or AT&T?
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