Chapter 18 is especially interesting.

On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 7:28 AM, Constance Warner <> wrote:

> Well, my main point was that you really need to tell your congressperson
> and senators that you want GPS and other space programs to continue.  If
> not, they will go away.  (And we will all go away if, in 2036, the asteroid
> turns out to be headed straight for earth and we haven't spent the money to
> figure out how to deflect it and we haven't built the hardware to go up
> there and actually do it.)
> NASA is heavily dependent on political factors to get the funding for basic
> programs that you would think would need no justification.  Like the
> national parks, they are chronically underfunded.  (You would think that
> funding the national parks is another no-brainer, but they've suffered
> greatly during the last 8 years, and they weren't exactly rolling in the
> dough before that.)
> And I DO think the manned space program is important.  I hope NASA--or
> someone else--gets the funding to do the basic research to make more manned
> space flight possible, to the moon and and beyond.  (For example, I've heard
> of work on an engine that would get to Mars in less than a quarter of a time
> than current hardware could.  It's a step in the right direction.)
> Robots are great, but they are no substitute for humans.
> --Constance Warner
> On Sep 11, 2009, at 9:43 AM, Chris Dunford wrote:
>  Actually, there are quite a few reasons to be in space
>> Constance, I might have missed something, but I didn't see anyone
>> disagreeing with this. The disagreement is about the manned space program...
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