Myself, I'd say generally positive is a better description....I agree
with Pogue's statement that if the Zune HD existed in a world in
which there were no iPod Touch, it would be a fantastic device.
However, in this universe the Touch has been around for quite some
time before the Zune HD, and it overmatches the Zune HD in most kinds
of functionality without having substantially worse hardware (if at
all).  In short, the ZHD is a nice product, not bad, but not great
either.  You'd have to have a fairly unusual and strict set of
requirements to prefer it over the iPod Touch at this point.

Zune gets HD radio. iPod Nano gets FM radio. Is Zune ahead of Nano, or is it premature? Didn't they plan for world standards? Can you see the OLED outdoors? OLED is great for battery life, but not so good for displays in bright light.

I'd love to have a portable HD radio, but, as with mobile phones, there's the US standard and the rest of the world. Zune HD radio only works in North America. Still, the specs look pretty good. As a portable HD radio [along with music and video] does it have an FM transmitter to use it with a car radio? Does it work in the car. While I'm not particulary excited about the new Nano's FM radio, it has amazing reception, even in a concrete building with few windows in a room full of bright fluorescent lights--but it's not HD. How's Zune's reception?

Guess we'll wait for release.

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