
Verizon Chief Technology Officer Dick Lynch said today that in the coming years, wired broadband will likely be sold in packages based on the amount of data a person wants to consume, much like wireless broadband is sold today. In comments made to press at the 2009 Fiber to the Home Conference Expo in Houston, Lynch stressed that he wasn¹t announcing a shift in pricing for Verizon, but that: ³We¹re going to have to consider pricing structures that allow us to sell packages of bytes, and at the end of the day the concept of a flat-rate infinitely expandable service is unachievable.²

I agree, and yet am unable to verbalize why I feel this way. Perhaps the feeling that demand will always expand to meet or exceed supply. For example, the ever-increasing speed of CPU chips; there is always something that will suck them dry.

Lovettsville, VA

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