On Oct 7, 2009, at 8:05 AM, phartz...@gmail.com wrote:
> The current head of the Chamber, Thomas Donahue, who has held that
> position since about 1999 if I am not mistaken, has taken the Chamber
> much more in a far-right direction than it has ever been before.  He
> is a right-wing ideologue who seems more interested in pushing Glenn
> Beck-type concepts and arguments than in actually representing the
> basic positions of businesses and industries in an evolving operating
> environment.

As the owner of a small business I looked at organizations like this,
the NFIB (National Federation of Independent Business), etc. I was
appalled to see that they were run by right-wing ideologues who did
not have a clue about running a real business. They seemed to me to be
more interested in being a fund-raising arm for wacko politicians.

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