Continue to preach the word Betty some folks might even listen.

The only good backups are ones where you know that they are and can get at them when needed.

Any other type is asking for trouble.


At 07:30 PM 10/15/2009, you wrote:
Heh heh, FOGGY, heh heh, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Hah! The cloud! Foggy!

"Cloud" changes its name every few years. I hated it 20 years ago, 10 years ago, still sucks. The best thing about it is that when [not if] it crashes, I don't have to do any work until it comes online again. That's the worst thing about it too.

It's a good idea to have multiple backups and archives in multiple locations for important data. The "cloud" is only one place. It's as reliable as the companies that provide service. Online applications are another story. If you really need to rely on software, keep it local. The connection is most likely to fail when you need it the most!

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