> "Cloud" changes its name every few years.

The new idea is not "cloud." I have drawing templates from 30 years ago
(pre-internet) for drawing clouds. The new idea is storing all your data in
the cloud. Previously we lacked enough bandwidth to do such a thing and
storage costs were too high.

When I worked for a large multinational corporation in Switzerland, cost was no object. Same for US based multinationals. Bandwidth isn't the issue for them. Besides, 15, 20, 25 years ago, the file sizes were much smaller.

Sure they didn't call it a "cloud" in the 80s. They called it mainframes with dumb terminals, or mainframes with local workstations. My dumb terminal was in Philly. The two mainframes with my documents and programs were in Michigan and in Massachusetts. Files were mostly text and graphs. Illustrations and videos took a lot longer to transmit, but we did it. The 3D drawings I did on a Genigraphics terminal went to a service in DC for processing. The 3D drawings I did at HP were transmitted as small data files rather than as pictures.

Everything the companies needed fit on much smaller drives than we have now. I pulled out some of the floppies for my Mac SE that I used for projects from home [BTW, floppies still work--no lost data, yet]. I used PageMaker 1 and 2. The program and files fit on one 400K disk. Doesn't take long to send that data for storage, even on a 600-1200 baud modem.

Storing or backing up remotely isn't new. Only the huge file sizes are newer. At HP we transmitted 100MB videos via modem overnight. Today, the videos might be 2-4GB, transmitted in an hour or so where more bandwidth is available [but not here].

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