On Oct 26, 2009, at 5:37 PM, mike wrote:
One of the new
Verizon ads makes fun of 'there is an app for that' by showing a Verizon map app that shows their 3g coverage compared to the lack of with ATT. Apples biggest weakness has always been their poor network partner, and now with the android phones that are out and coming soon, there are phones that will
offer good choices.

I have read that the big problem at Verizon was that they did not anticipate how much more traffic would be generated by iPhones and they have been playing catch up ever since.

I hear that Verizon's latest buildout has significantly improved things in some areas that previously had poor service.

What makes you think that ATT will hot now suffer the same capacity problems that Verizon experienced? I bet that if the Driod turns out to be anywhere near as successful as the iPhone then ATT will start to suffer from the same capacity problems.

Also, Verizon is laughing all the way to the bank. A significant portion of their revenues are attributed to the iPhone. They have the cash and big incentive to continue to build out.

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