On Oct 28, 2009, at 10:38 AM, Rev. Stewart Marshall wrote:
Oh by the way what does Apple have to do with this. They signed the agreement with ATT to sell their product and if they did not do their due diligence to make sure the network would handle their product they bear some responsibility for it. Unless you are saying they did this all for money? Naw Steve Jobs would not do that would he?

Jobs better be doing it for the money or his stockholders will burn him at the stake.

Recall that Apple approached Verizon first and they turned the deal down, probably because they knew their network could not take the load.

ATT was willing to work with Apple so they got the deal. Apple had to take second best with a promise to improve in order to get their product to market at all.

Are you trying to convince us that companies never ship products until they are 100% perfected. If that were true Windows would never have shipped at all.

You backwoods droids are just going to have to suck it up and install your own femtocells. Don't be cheap now!

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