What you forgot to add was the GUI versions of Word, Excel etc.

I used Multiplan on my C64.

Mac came out before Windows I will give you that.

But do not attempt to rewrite history. many programs were out before the Mac came about.

With the new Graphical interface it did require programming changes and yes MS did have to develop these programs for the Mac because there was no Windows.

So of course MS took those programs that they had been developing for a long time and used the knowledge they had gained writing GUI versions of Word etc. and made them for the MS Windows version. That is what is called a smart developer.

The old company I worked for developed programs using Accucobol.

With the advent of Windows Machines (Mid 90's) they had to develop new programs that would operate under a new GUI. They had to change programming languages etc.

You remember your version of history I will remember the real version of history.


At 08:20 PM 11/1/2009, you wrote:
On Nov 1, 2009, at 7:49 PM, Rev. Stewart Marshall wrote:
1986 ATT IBM computer had MS Word.  DOS version.

"Word for MS-DOS" used the word "Word" in its title, but that program
was nothing like what anyone would associate with M$ Word...
"in Word for MS-DOS, a file would be saved with the sequence Escape-T- S: pressing Escape called up the menu box, T accessed the set of
options for Transfer and S was for Save..." etc.

Multiplan was multi platform.

Eventually it was.

Neither of these predecessors got any significant sales until they
retooled to copy what was already on the Mac.

Of course with WFBs thinking the Zune is equivalent to the iPod Touch,
so there is no telling what kind of wild claims may be made.

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Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace www.princeofpeaceozark.org
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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