So Apple once again has 'fixed' iTunes so it will not work with palm pre at
all.  Whom does this help or hurt?  It doesn't do a damn thing for paying
apple customers...and for those who bought a pre, who may have considered a
mac or ipod, they are now at odds with Apple over their purposely shutting
off functionality.  I'm not talking about writing code that accidentally
breaks things, Apple specifically went in and wrote in code to lock out the
pre.  Now they are rumored to be writing a 'fix' for the next release of
snow cat that refuses support for intel's atom cpu.  The reason?  Those few
dozen people who are putting OS X on netbooks is pissing Apple off.  This
fix does nothing for Apple's customers, and pisses off potential ones.  I'm
not saying Apple should purposely build in support for the pre or atom, but
when it's already there, why are they spending time and money to go back and
shut a very very small amount of people down?

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